
What Is The Hardest Thing You Have Ever Experienced?

This one is hard, because two things come to mind:
1. Not going to India.
2. Breaking up with Chris.

What is interesting, is that both of them were equally difficult and easy, because I knew that each of those decisions was God's desire for my life.

But I thought I was moving to India, for real. And when I didn't, all of my "Life Plans" changed. Quickly. And drastically. It's taken a while for me to get back on my feet, accepting and moving forward with life how it is, not how it Should Have Been.  There's no such thing as Should Have Beens. Or there shouldn't be.


I thought - and I think everyone else thought - I would marry Chris. I ignored the warning signs and just thought we could get through it with love.  And I think we could have, but I don't think we both would have been happy.  I loved him and would have sacrificed every dream I had in order to be with him. That's not right.

So the lead-up to, carry out of, and life after those decisions were hard.  Excruciating.  I didn't even get into the sleepless nights, countless tears, and loss of appetite that accompanied them.

The thing to remember is that the Lord was there, guiding each decision as it was being made.  And THAT made them the easiest decisions ever.

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