
What Is Your Dream Job And Why?

A motivational speaker/Adobe form maker/archaeologist.

I would make forms for people to fill out so they could apply to come to my motivational archaeological digs in Africa or the Middle East.  We would dig for bones and play Shuffle Your Buns and I would share great speeches and stories.

It would be legen... wait for it.... dary.

I like to give speeches.  I have never been afraid of public speaking.  I like telling stories and sharing my thoughts and whatnot.

And I love Adobe.  My boss' ask me to make Adobe forms a lot, just because I like it so much.  I am such a dork.

And I've always wanted to go on an archaeological dig.  Discovering things that people did before... finding their ways of life... who they are and what they do and how they lived.  It seems magical.

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