
Where Do You See Yourself In...

Five Years?
I'll be 29 in five years.  Married, Lord willing, with a child or two.  Probably Alaska, involved in ministry, with my Jeep paid off and a house to my name.  Or an apartment.  I hope my husband and I are able to lead mission trips - to Africa, especially - or at least serve together.  I'll probably still be working for the school district, but looking into the next job, if I have to have one.  I bet I'll be crocheting a lot.

Ten Years?
34 years old. Wow. Maybe a couple more kids, adopted from Africa, where I am living in a hut with my adorable family.  Working with an orphanage, aiding with empowering women, basically living the dream and loving people.

FIfteen Years?
Almost 40. Holy toledo.  Too old.

1 comment:

Kristina Huling said...

I like that 40 is "Too old."