
Until My Heart Caves In...

Aargh. This wedding is dumb. I might just elope when its time for me to get married.

Or, really, I won't, I'll just invite EVERYONE in the world to come. Even the homeless people who chase your cars and ask for money if you wave at them.

Haha :)

I'm am STARVING right now. I could totally go for a bagel. But no cream cheese because that's just gross. But a nice fresh cheese and maybe onion bagel would be quite delectable.

It was a good day of school. I am so blessed. Aside from the whole wedding issues that have arised.

And I met Mr. Bowker's daughter's best friend's Mom today. She was super nice...a lot like Macy, actually.

So last night, I was reading one of my prayer journals from this time last year, and it was...interesting. That's when I was starting to get ANNOYED with Corrie, and just wanted him to leave me alone. But, obviously, he didn't know that because I was avoiding him. So there you go. But I wrote something down then that I had forgotten, but I really like it. And that's that I don't need scores of boyfriends...just one, if he's the right one. Well, Corrie most definately was NOT the right one, so I only need two. And it's hard, really hard, to remember that sometimes, but I'm trying.

Lately I've been thinking about how cool it would be to be a lady who goes to like, girls' retreats and stuff and talks about purity and body image and being a woman of God. I think I would really love that. And I was thinking about how I'd want Barlow Girl to travel with me, because they take a big stand on purity, which I think is cool, and way too unheard of in our society.

Then I was thinking about how somewhere, there are girls standing in line for a make-over.

What made them think they needed one, that they aren't beautiful just how God made them, that in order to be liked and accepted, they need to hide under a thousand pounds of foundation and glitter eye-shadow? Who told them that modesty isn't attractive? That girls can't play in the mud? That it isn't okay to wear jogging pants and flip-flops to the mall?

And why are they believing that?

And how many times do I believe that?

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