
"Jessica's BFF Bids Adieu". Oh. No.

What a sweet day. 11+ hours with tons of awesome godly girls, just learning new things, hearing stories, praying, and letting God speak to me. And making new commitments, and remembering and refreshing old ones.

And I'm all for small group time. Time to talk about critical things in your own life. But there is something nice about big groups. Being surrounded by people who love God and just want to praise Him with everything. Having leaders who remember being where I am currently in this life.

More things to add to the happy list:

1. The sweet shirt I got from today's retreat....
2. And the awesome headband....
3. And the series of haikus we wrote to praise God....
4. And the duct-tape purses Sammy and I made....
5. And talking to Maria in my truck outside her house, telling her the Corrie Story and hearing her Titus Story....
6. And then her Dad coming out, saying that the truck sounds like a washing machine or a helicopter.
7. Having sore abs and arms from raking.
8. 9 more days of school.
9. I don't know how many more days until my birthday...oh wait, 11.
10. No French tomorrow, which is good, because I didn't do my homework. Although, I won't have any time to do it tomorrow, either.
11. M + R = <3
12. All together now, "AWWWW!"
13. Hannah got into Hillsong.
14. I only really need like $5000 more for college this coming year, which is 1/3 of what I thought I needed.
15. It's 9:49. Which just seems funny.

And now I'm going to bed. Good night, world.

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