
Tony Ony Strikes Again.

Yay for Hannah and I being bold last Friday! Double Yay for us! Kristina always said I'm more outgoing than her, and in this case, she is totally right. Though Kristina wasn't there. And I WAS on the side they were on. But still! YAY for us.

So, Tony wasn't at school on the Senior's last day, so Han and I were bummed, because he's our friend, and we wanted to see him again. So we came up with a fool-proof plan: invite him to the V-Ho. Tony can't turn down the V-Ho. It's a fact of life. We had planned on going last Thursday, but he had to play his game. Then we were going to go on Friday, but we never talked to him. So Han messaged him on MySpace saying that we'll do it another time. THEN he said that he'll never see us again, then, since he is going to Washington for the summer, and he leaves on Monday!!!

Hannah called me, and we both looked for his phone number, and couldn't find it, so I called Chrissy, but she wasn't home (they're neighbors, and I knew she had it). So we hatched a brilliant idea. We would just go to his house. We met at CHS, then rode to the area where Tony lives. We found what was possibly his house, and there were two people standing outside of it. We drove up, I rolled down my window, and we had the following conversation:

"Are you Tony Bartley's parents?"
"Is Tony home right now?"
"Is he busy tonight?"
"We're his friends from school. Do you think he'd want to come to the Valley Hotel with us for dinner?"
"I don't know, let me ask him. You guys can pull up."

So his Mom goes inside, and his step-dad leads us around back to the kitchen, and we walk into a beautiful, spotless house. Seriously, it could have been in a magazine. Then Tony's Mom comes in, looks at Tony's step-dad, and says, "WHY DID YOU LET THEM IN??? THE HOUSE IS A MESS! I didn't want you to see it like this." And literally, there was like a book on the coffee table, and she considered THAT a mess.

So Hannah and I sit and make small-talk with his Mom about dog illnesses and such, and Tony comes down. Yay! So we take him to the V-Ho.

And it was so much fun. We love Tony. Not like LOVE love, but he is such a good friend. We finally got him to sign our yearbooks, though he said like nothing. It was really cool, though, what he said. and we sat in the Vo-Ho for close to two hours, just talking and eating. Nothing important was said, but everything said was important. You know? Then we drove back to Tony's house, and we took pictures: of Hannah and Tony, of me and Tony, then the three of us together.

And I'm totally going to miss him. A lot. His devil pants. Eating Hannah's hair. Doing nothing in Mrs. Lackey's class. Telling me to DIE. Being my "BFF". How he always flattens his hair. Non-stop. And for knowing about the TV show "Salute Your Shorts" that aired in the 90s. I think mine and Hannah's first conversation with Tony was about 90s TV shows. And I love how Tony looks all Emo and Goth, but he is soooo not like that.

Anyway, it was such a fun night.


Anonymous said...

Totally Agree with you...

That is going into the "Classics" Memory file.

Melissa Joy said...

Haha. Yay for Tony!