
Heaven Fills My Thoughts.

So last night, I was laying in bed thinking.

About life.
Which isn't that new for me, but still.

I thought (and I've thought this thought before) that it would be nice if someone followed me around and recorded everything I've ever done. It would be amazing if they just video-taped my life, and somehow got all of my thoughts and emotions and fears on the tape as well.

So then, I thought that it would be cool if in Heaven, in the mansion that God's building for me, if there was a special cabinet by the TV or whatever with video footage of my life in it. And I can just invite people over, and we can rewatch my life. And I could hear my thoughts and experience my emotions all over again.

But then I was thinking that when I'm in Heaven, why would I want to relive my life here on earth? Won't I be so stoked just talking to Jesus that the things of this world won't matter anymore?

But what if I don't know the people in Heaven that I know now? What if there are so many people in Heaven that I never see Hannah, or Jade, or Kristina, or Addi, or Shaun, or my family? What if I never pass them on the golden streets? Will we still have friends in Heaven? Sleepovers? Dates? Movie nights?

Are there different cities in Heaven? Can my sisters and I go for random road trips to other places there? Or is it all like one big city? And when God makes the Earth new again, where is everyone going to live? Will I live in Alaska, or Oklahoma? Or in Israel or somewhere else?

And what if someone on the perfect earth sins? What if we mess up again? Then what? Does it all start over again? Is there temptation on a perfect earth? THere has to be, because the Garden of Eden was perfect, but Satan was there to tempt Eve. Ah, but I forgot that Satan is going to be locked up forever. Except for those 10,000 years. What's up with that? I wonder what happens during that time. Are people still going to have children on the perfect earth?

I can't wait for forever to begin.


Kristina Huling said...

Well, I can't say a lot, but I do know that there is no marriage in heaven, so there probably won't be dates either. I can find the specific reference if you want it. We were talking about it at Bible Study a few weeks ago.

Jade said...

does she have matching wooly underwear too?

just a thought.

Anonymous said...

wow, I totally love Jade's comment. It made me laugh out loud. :-)

Kristina Huling said...

Hey Melissa- would it be totally weird if I commented your friend Addi's blog?

Melissa Joy said...

Um, I have no idea. I guess not. She knows who you are all. I've talked about you enough.