
Why Do You Do The Things You Do?

Our date is tonight. I'm rather excited. But kind of nervous. And I'm not sure why. Probably becase really, apart from two weeks ago, I've never been on a date.

I spent the night in Addi's room last night. I was exhausted. But I spent a bit of time just writing random facts on people's facebook walls. Which was so much fun. Then we woke up this morning at some crazy hour to go see Shaun run the Bisonathon. And we stayed there for like 10 minutes, and went back to Addi's room and feel asleep, then like 40 minutes later, Shaun calls and is like, "Hey, I finished. Did you guys go back to bed?" And it was kind of funny. Because we totally had. And we slept until about 12:45 this afternoon.

I got an e-mail today saying that they don't have my Prichard Scholarship application in. Which is frustrating, because I thought I had turned it in, but now that I had stopped to think about it, I'm not sure I did. But no, becauase I remember having my Pastor sign something for a scholarship for me. I'll call my Mom.

Today's her birthday, so I'll call her anyway.

I have to write a paper on abortion today. And I don't know what other h-dub I have. But I'm okay with that. It'll all get done. Unless it doesn't. Either way, though, meh. No, I need to finish it all and stay caught up.

SO GLAD Fall Free Days are coming up. So glad. Not sure how content I am with where I'm going. But that's okay. Hopefully it will be fun. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. That will be amazing. I have invitations from my two closest friends on campus, and I'd love to go to either of their houses...especially Addi's. :)

I hope it rains today. I hope it not only rains, but that it POURS down. I love the rain.


Kristina Huling said...

What be these Fall Free Days you speak of?

Anonymous said...

its OBU's silly way of saying Fall Break. They feel the need to be different than everyone else. :-P

so Cogsworth, its nine o' clock and you are not back from your date. When you get back I will have pamphlets on pregnancy and STD's for you to read since it is such a late hour.
I love you.

Jade said...

your duck had chickens
ask your hippo.