
Hypocrisy and Updates.

Time to post anew.

Been so busy and tired lately. Am so glad next week is spring break. I'm going to Kansas, then to Northern Virginia, then to Kansas again.

Addi and I talked tonight, and I agree with what we talked about, but I don't know what to do about it. I'll pray about it.

Started working today for Dr. Hagen. Transfered his notes from one book to another, watched a clip of a movie a thousand times, and graded stuff. It'll be a good job. Fun. Not too hard. Probably like my job at home. Seems like I always get jobs like that.

I'm currently listening to the radio and packing my stuff for spring break, so I have clothes all over my bed, and stuff everywhere. And I have a room inspection tomorrow at 1:00, and I have to give a tour for The Herd at 3:00. I think we're leaving at 4:00 ish.

I'm sorry, but I really don't have a lot to talk about.

Ah, TobyMac. Much love for him. I really want to watch Saved by the Bell, but I have to wait until I'm done with this post. And I need to finish The Odyssey. I'm getting to the good part - where they get rid of the suitors and Odysseus gets to see Penelope without a facade.


On my New Testament test, one of the anwers about warnings Jesus gave in the Sermon on the Mount was to not put on a facade.

I wonder if I do that.
I wonder if I'm a hypocrite.
I know I am.
And that makes me sad.

1 comment:

Jade said...

meow. :)