
Sadie Hawkin's Dance.

Me, excited for RK.
The stage is set....
I love those guys.
Matty T and his boys.
Look, he's singing to me!
You play that guitar!
Matty T. makes my heart flutter. Not really. But okay.

So, at one point during their set, Relient K had a "singalong". SO they brought out this fake campfire, and Matty led everyone in singing a song. And Matty T. put on a grass skirt and a coconut bra. Pretty funny. I laughed.
I videoed all of "Sadie Hawkin's Dance" - mostly because of our music video, but also because that's kind of what Kristina and I did with Cody and Chris for prom. We asked them. And while there was no air guitar, it was still Sadie-Hawkins-Dance ish.
I'm glad we're friends with them.


Kristina Huling said...

Not to mention that besides Pink Tux to the Prom, that was probably the only Relient K song we used to sing that we ever knew all the words to! Lovely, all. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous. You win at life.