

I'm slowly settling into this whole Kerr thing. But really, this building scares me. A lot. The elevator is so creepy - the kind that has a metal grate that goes over the door. And a lone light bulb hanging from the ceiling. And the attic? There could SO be a dead body up there. I just hope it doesn't try to crawl into my room.

Pretty sure I just heard a knock at my door... and it's 12:30am. I'm freaking myself out.

Shaun doesn't help. He's good at scaring me. (It is SO good to see him, by the way.)

But my new room is nice. It's quaint. I have a set of bunk beds, two desks, two closety things, two miniscule dressers, and my fridge. And all my stuff. I have a huge bag and a big box full of stuff I don't want or need anymore. A lot of it is clothes. I had 27 T-shirts. I got rid of like 10 of them. And lots of other STUFF that was just taking up room. Shaun's DAd was making fun of all my stuff.

OH MY WORD. I thought I had lost the Mission Center binder. I called Shaun and my mom, practically in hysterics. Then I found it... and twenty bucks.

Ha. I keep getting distracted by facebook and my conversation with Hannah. And now Addi (can't wait to see the OCBF).

Well, I have church soon. And I need to journal, read my Bible, then SLEEP. Sleep has not been a priority in my life lately, and I miss it.

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