
In Honor Of Easter.

This weekend and Easter has me thinking a lot about love... how love and forgiveness go hand in hand. You can't have one, truly, without the other.
Forgiveness, I believe, is the epitome, the pinnacle, of love.

Forgiveness is saying, "I choose to love you, despite the hurt. I choose to restore our relationship. I choose to be in communion with you. To do that, I am willing to love you in the pain, because it is more important for me to be with you than without you."

If I am not able to do that, then love does not really exist in that relationship.

I believe that the forgiveness shown on the cross was a symbol of God's utmost love for us. The Bible says that He loved us, and gave His Son for us. He offered forgiveness because of His love. God, in turn, said, "I choose to love you, despite the hurt your sin causes Me. I choose to restore My relationship with you. I choose to be in communion with You. To do that, I am willing to love you in the pain of losing My Son, because it is more important for Me to be with you than without you."

And I think that perhaps I don't see that as often as I should.

Tahmee opened my eyes to the transforming power of love. But what about the transforming power of forgiveness, coupled with that love, inseparable?

Words cannot REALLY express how I feel right now. Very much in awe of my Lord and Savior. Completely excited that He walked out of the grave, that He now sits enthroned next to His (and my) Father in Heaven. Triumphant at the way Satan was defeated. And very humbled that He would choose me to be His own.

Oh, He is risen!
He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

julieann said...

I don't know if they dye eggs! I hope so!