

I love hiking.

I love the feeling of climbing, pushing myself, exerting all my effort to do something that not many people do often, particularly where I go to school.

And I love summiting the mountain, taking in the surroundings, marveling at God's goodness and grace.

I love running down mountains, feeling the earth descend under my feet as I push the dirt away, striding down, feeling the rush of the wind.

I love talking to the Monday Night Hikers, even if it isn't a Monday night, because they are all so diverse, so exciting, so unique. I love hearing their stories, their thoughts, their arguments about gravity's effect on a bullet as it travels uphill or downhill. And I love hearing their discussions about Cha-Cha's answer to their debate.

I love yelling, "ROCK!" when a rock falls and almost (or does) hit someone. I love hiking in my Teva's, which have now been in Africa, India, Oklahoma, New York, and the top of several mountains in Alaska.

I love this summer.

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