
Five Days.

There is just under one week until graduation. 5 Days. So, in honor of that, following is a list of my...

Top 5 Songs That Define College For Me: (in no particular order)

5. "Set the World on Fire" by Britt Nicole. It kind of encompasses junior year - the summer after Africa, before South Asia. There is such a burning desire in my to make Him known in the world.
4. "Party in the USA" by Miley Cyrus. Kim and I experienced countless car rides jamming and dancing to this song. Like the time we went to WalMart. We were dancing at a red light, with her sun roof open, and all of a sudden, a boy JUMPED onto the top of her SUV. He leaned in through the sun roof, totally freaking us out. Oh, it was funny.
3. "Vanilla Twilight" by Owl City. Awesome concert (I read "Holes" while waiting for it to start). We danced in the huge crowd. A boy gave me his spot so that I could video this song. I like the imagery - how it describes a relationship between two people. "The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly."
2. "Makeup" by Jesse McCartney. Oh, Han - you know you love it. Admit it.
1. "I Gotta Feeling" by Black Eyed Peas. The dance party, CAB, car rides, dancing with Em in the apartment. This song has helped relieve so much stress and given me so many reasons to just laugh and savor.

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