
To The Person That Gave Me My Favorite Memory.

Dear Jordan, Hannah, Kyle, Daniel, and in a way, Steve,

So many of my favorite memories took place in India with you. Falling in poop on the way to dinner. Our cancelled flight home. Riding elephants in the rain. Dancing in that one village where they made fun of us. Being arrested. The power outage and sharing our stories. The Hindi Catholic service. "Seester! Seester! You from Amreeka?" Speaking French and Spanish to throw off their trail. The "Sister Discount." Gathering in the evening to share about our days.

But the story I love to tell most - more than any story in my life - is the story of when I wet the bed, and all your reactions to it.

We had stayed up late talking, playing Truth or Dare. And I fell asleep first. That was a mistake. I woke up a few hours later to a SOAKING wet bed, and 4 friends who were out cold, dead asleep. I had to climb over you to get to the bathroom to change. Then, asking each of you what happened. You didn't know what I was talking about.

Love, love.

There are not many people with whom I would be comfortable admitting that I wet the bed. But you -you are family, like it or not. I think I believe that you did not, in fact, pour water in my bed. But if it ever comes out that you did, I would laugh so hard, and still love you terribly with a big piece of my heart.

I miss you guys. A lot. I miss our laughing and singing together in the shower, and how Hannah slept in a sweatshirt every night, even though it was the middle of summer. And how we played Singing Nerts.

But wetting the bed. That was the best. The funniest.

You are the best - the funniest.
Thanks for being in my life, for making that memory MUCH less traumatizing than it could have been.

All My Love,

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