
If You Could Live Anywhere, Where Would It Be And Why?

In a heartbeat I would be
In a hut
On the edge of a village
Where children need a teacher,
a mentor,
someone to love them,
and hug them,
and not care that they are sick with AIDS.

Maybe its the romantic in me,
but we would go for walks
in the long grass,
watching giraffes and warthogs,
running barefoot -
as if we were being recruited for the Olympics.

The sun.
The dirt.
The heat waves glistening and undulating as the day draws to a close
And the crickets start chirping.

I'd wash my feet,
wiping the sweat off my brow
as I duck into my thatched-roof hut.

And as the sun set across the African landscape,
I would once again praise the
Lord who made Heaven and Earth,
thanking Him for another day,
another opportunity,
to tell another lost soul
that He passionately loves
and pursues
and seeks
and forgives.


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