Amazing, amazing weekend. No joke.
When Bekah asked me to help at the DNOW in McAlester, I did NOT want to go. I had a hard week, and just wanted to stay in my room and sleep all weekend. But God told me to go. I wasn't sure why, but figured I should obey Him.
So I went.
I had no clue what I was doing, hadn't met my partner until 1/2 hour before we left, and didn't have the slightest clue what our sessions would be about. I didn't know what to expect.
But it was incredible.
The 10th grade girls in our group were...amazing. They just wanted to learn more. A few of them had had hard weeks, too, so Carli and I just encouraged them. They had such a desire to know God more. I didn't have that in 10th grade.
We talked about time, and God convicted me. How am I spending the time He has given me?
We talked about beauty, and God convicted me. How often do I let other people dictate how beautiful I think I am?
We talked about giving everything up to Him, and God convicted me. Have I truly trusted Him with all aspects of my life?
We talked about dedication, and God convicted me. What am I doing to show that I am commited to Him?
We started just telling eachother randomly throughout the weekend, "You are beautiful. You are breathtaking. You are captivating. God is enthralled by your beauty." And we talked about how God made us, how He hand crafted us, how He fnds us absolutely gorgeous, and we shouldn't let anyone tell us otherwise.
Saturday night, we were just talking about random stuff - school, stress, stuff like that - when one of the girls was like, "Can I go get my Bible?" and another girl said, "Yeah. Can we talk about Jesus some more?"
I was so encouraged.
I knew that God had a reason for me to go, but I had no idea it would be this.
Praise God that He knows what we need even when we don't.