
Science Unit.

"The unit shows evidence of at least 7-10 hours of work."

ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? When I am a teacher, there is NO way I'm going to be able to spend 7-10 HOURS on a science teaching unit.

Preparing us to teach?



Thanksgiving Break is here. No classes for five days. Then only two weeks before finals. Then Christmas at Shaun's house (first time away from my parents for Christmas) then a whole month at home.

Surreal. Like, for real surreal.


I love Christmas present shopping. I've gotten 5 people done, for the most part, and have plans for others that need to be fulfilled. I love finding the perfect present, and knowing - JUST KNOWING - that he or she will love it.

I miss my Mom a lot. Taylor Swift's new song "The Best Day" reminds me of my Mom.

I want to get it on CD, maybe mix a CD and just put it in her car and let her listen to it. I'm learning - or maybe just realizing - more and more how much my Mom sacrificed and did for me growing up. She stayed up late making Halloween costumes, Easter dresses, and wrap skirts. She would leave work to pick me up from school when I was sick. She would sacrifice her own sleep when I got scared and crawled into bed with her when Dad was working the grave yard shift.

When I'm a mom - years from now - will I have that same amount of love and sacrifice?




Last night, I was in my hall's lobby working on my personality project and listening to the TV, and a man was preaching a sermon. I was only half listening, but one of the things he said was that everything changes.

And yes, okay, duh.

But everything changes. When things are crappy, it's okay, because eventually they will change. And God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. And if I just trust Him, He will keep working it out.

Well, flash ahead to tonight. I'm sitting on my bed, working on the 4th of 6 lesson plans I have due tomorrow, and I decide to download Taylor Swift's new album, "Fearless" on Ruckus. The second song I listened to was called "Change" and it exactly mirrors the message I heard on TV last night.

Which now, has me thinking, "Crap - what's going to change?"

But still. It's nice to know that even when I don't know, God knows. And even when life is piling up around me, He knows what's going on and how to fix it.


Younger Me.

I spent an hour and a half talking to my parents on Sunday, all about what I was like as a baby. And may I just say that some things never change.

I was very secure as a baby, very sure of who I was, and I would try anything, go anywhere, visit with anyone. I was not shy. Sometimes it took me a while to get to know my surroundings, but then I was fine. Mom said that Brad and Jeff are still very much homebodies, that is, they like being home, in their place. And Mom said that I've never been like hat: I've always wanted to go explore and try new things.

I learned to tie my shoe when I was three, and went the 5 year old neighbor boy and tied his shoe one day. He didn't like that I knew how to tie my shoe and he didn't, so he promply learned also.

I spent my first night away from home at age 3 also, at Aaron's house right next door. Brad and Jeff, so much older than me, hadn't even gone a whole night away from home. But I did. My Mom said she waited up all night, just in case I called to come home, but I never did. I was such a big girl, she said. I remember sleeping on the floor of Aaron's room, in my little sleeping bag. They had bunk beds, Aaron and Allen, and a dresser with a lamp on it, and a toy chest. I remember exactly how their room was set up.

They said that I liked to be in the middle of things, doing what Brad and Jeff did, but that I also valued my alone time. I would just go to my room and play with my dolls for a little while, then come back out and be ready to go. And I still need that alone time. Desperately.

The one thing that completely made my night, however, was when my parents both called me (on separate occasions) a border-line hypochondriac. Growing up, whenever I heard about someone having some disease, I was sure I had it, too. My Dad said that when I got a splinter in the end of my finger, I would complain about it hurting ALL the way to my elbow. Any little scrape became a huge gash. A bruise became a horrendous tragedy. A bump was automatically cancer. And again... hi, that's still me.

Having them tell me about the me when I was younger was like being introduced to a stranger... but then, that stranger was ME! Apparently my personality hasn't changed that much... at all...

Yes, That Is Me With Troy.

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Dem Bones, Dem Bones, Dem Dry Bones.

Mission Center last night was really, truly, fantastic. One of the best Mission Center nights in forever... Tink was missing - not sure where she was... which is weird. But the rest of it was awesome.

I colored with Kyle, a picture of a little boy dinosaur wearing boots, who was going to be eaten by a big dinosaur wearing roller skates, so we had to smother the little dinosaur in colorful ketchup. Then we drew a city, with doors and windows, and helicopters on the roof of every building, shooting bullets at the big dinosaur. And we drew a road. It's pretty much an awesome picture. I'm going to put it on my wall.

I planned all of the evening's activities, from the lesson about Ezekiel and the bones in chapter 37 to the bone game, to the verse activity, to the self-portrait puppet craft.

They were all eyes and ears during the story, gasping and laughing, and flexing their fingers along with me. And the game - thanks to Amanda's idea - was a HIT! They are all learning the song and verse, and loved coloring their bag puppets.

It was just FUN. I felt like a real teacher, planning every activity for my students.

It was complete confirmation that teaching is what I am meant to do.


OKC Memorial Half Marathon.

The Oklahoma City Memorial Half Marathon is in 167 days and 7 hours.

167 days and 7 hours from now, I will be running.

I decided to enter. It's 13.1 miles. I may or may not ask Shaun to run with me. That might be fun, to train together and run together.

I'm already pretty nervous, but I want to do this. I don't want to let myself down, you know?


I Love My Lips.

I got a lip ring today. hehehe

Romans 12.

Well, shoot.
Go figure.
The moment I open a Bible study, God is all, "WAKE UP!! Where have you BEEN???"

Where have I been?
More like, what have I been.
I have been ANGRY. At... everything. The world. Friends. Loved ones. School. Myself. Life.

So I opened our Sunday School Lesson, Lifeway's Life Matters, and part of it said, "Our role is - and always will be - to choose good. We should choose good and love over vengeance. Do good to those who don't deserve it. Offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you. Always seek to help and lift up those who are down. After all, isn't that what He did for you? We certainly do not deserve God's love or His salvation, so how can we not 'choose good' whenever there is a choice to make?"

And the scripture reference was Romans 12:14-21. I won't type it all, because it is long, but it's good. ROmans 12:1-2 says, "Therefore, my brethren, in view of God's mercy, offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God. THIS is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."

I need to begin worshiping God in my spirit... in my mind... rather than letting Him fall to the wayside. I need to let Him control my mind and emotions, rather than the circumstances and environment around me... rather than myself.

So much easier said than done.

It's a freaking good thing Jesus Christ already conquered the world.


School Work.

Let the craziness begin.

So many projects to do before the end of the school year.
2-Week long Middle School Inter-Disciplinary Project.
Lesson Plans for Science.
Presentation for Human Development.
Presentation for Music for Elementary Students.
Masks and clay projects for Art for Elementary Students.
Personality Final for Art for Elementary Students.
Project 3 for Elementary Math III.
Final Project for Elementary Math III.

It's been an easy semester... why all this? Why now?



I interviewed for CAB today. I find out tomorrow or Friday if I am accepted or not.


A Little More. Skillet.

Once again, the band Skillet makes my heart sing.

Love Can Take It.

Ha. I like my neighbor. We laughed for a long time about something completely wrong that should not have been funny... but it made us both feel a lot better about life and where the world is heading.

I know who I'm holding onto, and His name is not Obama.

His name is Yahweh, Jehovah, God-of-the-Angel-Armies, my Provider and my Support. He is my Friend, my Lord, my Savior, my Oxygen. He is my Strength, my Joy, my Hope. He is my All in All, my River of Life, my Love. He is all that is Beautiful in my Life. I turn to Him for wisdom and assurance, for romance and a sense of belonging. I close my eyes and feel Him lovingly stroking my face, rubbing my feet, waiting to pour out peace, hope, and love on me. He is dependable. He is trustworthy.

Oh, let the world crash
Love can take it
Oh, let the world come crashing down
Oh, let the world crash
Love can take it
Love can take a little
Love can give a little more


Whitlock For President!

(No J-Term for me. They are only offering one 2-credit class that I need, and that is dumb. So I am going to Shaun's for Christmas, then HOME for January. Woo!)

Dr. Whitlock began his first term as OBU President today. A lot of students got T-shirts (myself included) that say "Dave is my Fave!" and have his face on them. So we wore them to meet him at Thurmond Hall when he showed up for his first day in the office.

When we saw him coming down the sidewalk, we all started screaming and clapping for him. It was cool. Then he said something about how touched and excited he was. And he started shaking people's hands. He came to me, and I asked him to sign my shirt with the Sharpie I brought.

AND HE DID! He wrote "Dave" really big on the bottom of it, then we started talking. He asked where I was from, then said, "I never thought I'd meet someone from Wasilla, Alaska!" He asked if I knew Sarah Palin, and I told him my connections. Bill Pope even took a picture... maybe I'll be in the Bison or on the website or something cool.

But it was awesome.

Other people saw him sign my shirt and they asked him to sign theirs, too. I started a trend. :) I love it. And him. He's cool.


True Story.

Yesterday while working at the desk in the morning, I decided to toast some English Muffins and smother them with peanut butter and honey. So I popped them into the toaster, and turned it up to 5 because I like my toast-y things very well done.

I went and put the key to the kitchen away, and when I got back, there was a little bit of smoke coming out of the toaster. I thought, "Well, that isn't good. I guess my toast is done! Good thing the fire alarms didn't go off..." and right then, the fire alarms go off.

No joke.

It's 9:15am on a Saturday, the weekend after one of the busiest weeks in Kerr History, and I set off the fire alarms. I ran over to the board and turned it off, but then like 10 seconds later, it went off again. So I called Campus Safety and they came over to turn it off.

But meanwhile, all the girls start heading down to the lobby, looking really groggy and confused. I had to tell them that it was my fault - I burned my English Muffin - and they were like, "Are you kidding me?"

It was so embarrassing. Oh my word. Really really funny, but embarrassing. I know that if I had still been in bed, I would have been SO mad... but most of the girls just laughed it off, thank goodness.

So... yeah. I set off the fire alarm. I'm just that hott.


Ladybugs Perch On My Cheek.

NO!!! Vember.

ha. wow, I am internally laughing really hard about that. Kind of sad, really, that that makes me laugh so hard. I went and saw High School Musical 3 today (for, yes, the second time in theaters) and still laughed out loud. There were times when I was the only one laughing.

Seeing that movie makes me really appreciate my boyfriend. He is teaching Sunday School again tomorrow, and is sitting next to me preparing for it.

I was a hippie yesterday for Halloween and for the Mission Center party. I got a peace sign painted onto my cheek at our party... and it won't come off. It's still there, even though I hardcore washed my face and took a shower, trying to scrub it off. I feel bad for all the little kids who had their faces painted, because I know their facepaint probably didn't come off, either.

We currently have a ladybug problem in Kerr. They are everywhere. People keep complaining about it, but I would rather have ladybugs than snakes or rats. Ew, rats. Two of my girls had a mouse in their room the other day... I would have freaked out, probably. I do when I see them in the barn and chicken coop at home.

We grilled tonight, me and Shaun and some of our friends. At one point, they started asking us about when we met and our first dates and our favorite and least favorite dates. It was funny, talking about the good and the bad. They laughed a lot, and we did, too.

Seems that my posts lately have been so random and conglomerated. I guess that's what my life is like right now.