I really have enjoyed my time with Shaun. I know, some of the posts may not reflect that, but I'm more apt to blog when things are bad than when things are good. I have laughed so much with him lately, and have loved just spending time with him, doing whatever.
Ha. Last night, his brother and his brother's girlfriend went out drinking with her brothers. They came back at 2:30 in the morning, totally tipsy, borderline drunk. It was not impressive (at all). They were just laying on the floor, laughing at everything, unable to remember commercials from like 10 seconds ago. Shaun and I excused ourselves and went to the computer room and talked about it. And by then it was about 3:00am and we were hungry, so we went to the kitchen and just started talking. And oh my gosh. We laughed so much at them and each other and our conversations.
Guess you had to be there.
Tonight we're going to a New Year's Party with the college/career group at his church. I'm making fruit pizza. Shaun's making chili. Mmmmmm...
Then tomorrow at 7:30am, my flight leaves to go HOME!
My Thoughts About Curves While In The Car On The Drive Home From Dinner At Red Lobster:
- Hiding from Mrs. Ornquist in the Prayer Room.
- How Curves started out with animosity and ended up saving our friendship.
- Getting angry when people didn't obey The Voice.
- Sam.
- Answering the question on the board.
- When Sam quit and the new girl started writing the questions.
- Our parking spaces.
- Racing.
- Always being right next to each other at the stations.
- Sharing thoughts and fears and memories.
- The smelly ladies.
- The time I was in a car accident after school, and she beat me there.
- Hiding from Mrs. Ornquist in the Prayer Room.
- How Curves started out with animosity and ended up saving our friendship.
- Getting angry when people didn't obey The Voice.
- Sam.
- Answering the question on the board.
- When Sam quit and the new girl started writing the questions.
- Our parking spaces.
- Racing.
- Always being right next to each other at the stations.
- Sharing thoughts and fears and memories.
- The smelly ladies.
- The time I was in a car accident after school, and she beat me there.
25 Random Things About Me.
1. I felt more at home in Africa than at OBU.
2. I don't think I'm very good at making really close friends. I only know about 7 people that I would feel comfortable calling in the middle of the night with a problem, and two of those people are my parents.
3. My music taste varies greatly, depending on my mood, but I always like music with a good beat.
4. I only watch movies if I know - or there is a good chance - that the main characters will fall in love in the end. If they don't, the movie is no good, regardless of the rest of the story or artistic elements.
5. My favorite purchases this last semester were wind-up sushi and a blue and white striped button up long sleeve tee.
6. Art.... love it. Makes my heart, mind, soul, and life so much happier. I love taking raw materials and creating stuff.
7. My favorite number is 7.
8. Luke is my favorite Gospel.
9. Being an RA is such a challenge and sometimes I don't think I'm up to it. But then I'll have that moment with a resident, whether it's just passing them in the hall, or watching the History Channel for like 6 hours, and that moment makes the whole thing worth it.
10. I'm pretty good at the game Khet. It's like chess...with lasers and mirrors.
11. I love being home in Alaska... in our messy, random-filled, comfortable, keep-your-shoes-on-at-the-door, constantly-being-remodeled house.
12. I like to take boring situations and make them...not boring. And apparently I have a knack for it.
13. Birthdays are VERY important to me. At home, we have a special tablecloth that we use on people's birthdays, and a place mat for the birthday person, and a banner, and the birthday person gets to pick whatever they want for dinner. And no matter what, it's okay because you can always say, "It's my Birthday!!"
14. Present shopping is a very personal thing for me. I don't like to go with other people and I don't like being rushed. I love giving people presents and seeing their surprised and gleeful faces when they open it, knowing that they love it.
15. I seek affirmation, sometimes in the wrong places.
16. I wouldn't trade growing up in Alaska for anything. I love knowing how to shoot a machine gun, change a tire, and dress for -20 weather. I love being able to tell when it's safe to drive on ice and how harsh of a winter we'll have by the height of weeds. I love knowing what Studded Tires are and I love that we get paid for living there. I love having moose walk through my backyard. And I love the V-Ho.
17. It's a challenge for me to allow Jesus to be my Romancer.
18. I didn't get my first kiss until age 18.
19. I like to drive and my goal next semester is to road trip to Louisiana. With someone. Anyone. Preferably some random person I don't know that well.
20. As a baby, I sucked on my middle finger and ring finger rather than on my thumb.
21. My favorite stuffed animal, Snuggle Bear, was locked in Hannah's storage for 6 or 7 years while she lived in Germany and Australia. When Snuggle Bear and I were finally reunited, I cried.
22. Sometimes I drool in my sleep.
23. Little dogs annoy the crap out of me. A dog needs to be big and scary, but also cuddly and active. When it barks, it needs to be intimidating, not ear-splitting.
24. Green is my favorite color.
25. I like to cook - not bake - because seeing how the random raw ingredients combine to make a delectable dish is awe-inspiring. Like, taking shrimp and jalapeno peppers and cumin and limes and mixing it all up... soo good.
2. I don't think I'm very good at making really close friends. I only know about 7 people that I would feel comfortable calling in the middle of the night with a problem, and two of those people are my parents.
3. My music taste varies greatly, depending on my mood, but I always like music with a good beat.
4. I only watch movies if I know - or there is a good chance - that the main characters will fall in love in the end. If they don't, the movie is no good, regardless of the rest of the story or artistic elements.
5. My favorite purchases this last semester were wind-up sushi and a blue and white striped button up long sleeve tee.
6. Art.... love it. Makes my heart, mind, soul, and life so much happier. I love taking raw materials and creating stuff.
7. My favorite number is 7.
8. Luke is my favorite Gospel.
9. Being an RA is such a challenge and sometimes I don't think I'm up to it. But then I'll have that moment with a resident, whether it's just passing them in the hall, or watching the History Channel for like 6 hours, and that moment makes the whole thing worth it.
10. I'm pretty good at the game Khet. It's like chess...with lasers and mirrors.
11. I love being home in Alaska... in our messy, random-filled, comfortable, keep-your-shoes-on-at-the-door, constantly-being-remodeled house.
12. I like to take boring situations and make them...not boring. And apparently I have a knack for it.
13. Birthdays are VERY important to me. At home, we have a special tablecloth that we use on people's birthdays, and a place mat for the birthday person, and a banner, and the birthday person gets to pick whatever they want for dinner. And no matter what, it's okay because you can always say, "It's my Birthday!!"
14. Present shopping is a very personal thing for me. I don't like to go with other people and I don't like being rushed. I love giving people presents and seeing their surprised and gleeful faces when they open it, knowing that they love it.
15. I seek affirmation, sometimes in the wrong places.
16. I wouldn't trade growing up in Alaska for anything. I love knowing how to shoot a machine gun, change a tire, and dress for -20 weather. I love being able to tell when it's safe to drive on ice and how harsh of a winter we'll have by the height of weeds. I love knowing what Studded Tires are and I love that we get paid for living there. I love having moose walk through my backyard. And I love the V-Ho.
17. It's a challenge for me to allow Jesus to be my Romancer.
18. I didn't get my first kiss until age 18.
19. I like to drive and my goal next semester is to road trip to Louisiana. With someone. Anyone. Preferably some random person I don't know that well.
20. As a baby, I sucked on my middle finger and ring finger rather than on my thumb.
21. My favorite stuffed animal, Snuggle Bear, was locked in Hannah's storage for 6 or 7 years while she lived in Germany and Australia. When Snuggle Bear and I were finally reunited, I cried.
22. Sometimes I drool in my sleep.
23. Little dogs annoy the crap out of me. A dog needs to be big and scary, but also cuddly and active. When it barks, it needs to be intimidating, not ear-splitting.
24. Green is my favorite color.
25. I like to cook - not bake - because seeing how the random raw ingredients combine to make a delectable dish is awe-inspiring. Like, taking shrimp and jalapeno peppers and cumin and limes and mixing it all up... soo good.
Playing Games With My Heart.
My name is Melissa.
I do not have the right to win at anything.
If, heaven forbid, I have a shot at winning, all other players are required to conspire against me to prevent me from winning.
Because if I win, the world, as we know it, will end.
My name is Melissa.
People wonder why I get frustrated when people pool their resources to beat me at a game that shouldn't be (and isn't) a big deal until I may possibly win.
My name is Melissa.
According to my boyfriend, it's better for a man to win than for his girlfriend.
My name is Melissa.
I feel the love.
I do not have the right to win at anything.
If, heaven forbid, I have a shot at winning, all other players are required to conspire against me to prevent me from winning.
Because if I win, the world, as we know it, will end.
My name is Melissa.
People wonder why I get frustrated when people pool their resources to beat me at a game that shouldn't be (and isn't) a big deal until I may possibly win.
My name is Melissa.
According to my boyfriend, it's better for a man to win than for his girlfriend.
My name is Melissa.
I feel the love.
A Definition of Me: Artist.
I made a couple of my Christmas presents this year: a sweater vest for Ashely, a nice red scarf for Susan, and a beautiful purple and quiviut scarf for my Mom. I love having raw materials set in front of me, with a couple of tools, and making something unique out of them. When I make something, it becomes a part of me, an extension of who I am, an extension that can be seen and held and felt and enjoyed.
Painting captures me in such a way that even my worst days end up okay after I have created something truly enjoyable. I love sharing that feeling with other people, who may or may not get it. Shaun and I painted a picture together one day, and seeing how he interacted with the paint and how he approached the canvas was really eye-opening. He expected perfection and when he didn't get it, he was so upset at himself. Meanwhile, I approached it in an entirely different manner, not really planning, but just picking colors and going for it. The thing is, art doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to just make it up as you go.
I made a personality T-shirt. I hadn't meant to make it all in one night. But I started, then I couldn't stop. It's like I had to finish my design - I had to finish expressing myself in that medium. It turned out so well. It's me... only wearable. (Though I guess I wear myself every day...)
My favorite class this last semester was my Art and Music for Elementary Students. We made pottery, weaved baskets, played with clay, designed masks, and water-color painted. Walking into the art building every Thursday was... fantastic. If I wasn't an elementary education major, I would totally major in art. Or, if it wasn't too late, I would minor in art education.
Art: the products of human creativity
I made a couple of my Christmas presents this year: a sweater vest for Ashely, a nice red scarf for Susan, and a beautiful purple and quiviut scarf for my Mom. I love having raw materials set in front of me, with a couple of tools, and making something unique out of them. When I make something, it becomes a part of me, an extension of who I am, an extension that can be seen and held and felt and enjoyed.
Painting captures me in such a way that even my worst days end up okay after I have created something truly enjoyable. I love sharing that feeling with other people, who may or may not get it. Shaun and I painted a picture together one day, and seeing how he interacted with the paint and how he approached the canvas was really eye-opening. He expected perfection and when he didn't get it, he was so upset at himself. Meanwhile, I approached it in an entirely different manner, not really planning, but just picking colors and going for it. The thing is, art doesn't have to be perfect. It's okay to just make it up as you go.
I made a personality T-shirt. I hadn't meant to make it all in one night. But I started, then I couldn't stop. It's like I had to finish my design - I had to finish expressing myself in that medium. It turned out so well. It's me... only wearable. (Though I guess I wear myself every day...)
My favorite class this last semester was my Art and Music for Elementary Students. We made pottery, weaved baskets, played with clay, designed masks, and water-color painted. Walking into the art building every Thursday was... fantastic. If I wasn't an elementary education major, I would totally major in art. Or, if it wasn't too late, I would minor in art education.
Art: the products of human creativity
Feeling Fine.
Tooting my own horn:
I got my grades. Another 4.0. I'm proud of myself for achieving that, but I never really felt challenged this semester. It's a good thing I'm majoring in something I love because even when it's hard it's so much fun.
This whole "Lose Weight in 2008" thing... how'd it go? Well, it went okay. I'm down a pants size from last year. I want 2009 to be even better for me, not just physically. So "Feeling Fine in 2009" takes off on January 1st.
I want to spend the year becoming more confident in who I am as a woman, as a sister, as a friend, as a daughter, as a teacher. I want to get in even better shape than I am now. I want to be random and make good friends. I want to find out what really matters to me, what I'm actually good at, what is a blessing to God and others.
I got my grades. Another 4.0. I'm proud of myself for achieving that, but I never really felt challenged this semester. It's a good thing I'm majoring in something I love because even when it's hard it's so much fun.
This whole "Lose Weight in 2008" thing... how'd it go? Well, it went okay. I'm down a pants size from last year. I want 2009 to be even better for me, not just physically. So "Feeling Fine in 2009" takes off on January 1st.
I want to spend the year becoming more confident in who I am as a woman, as a sister, as a friend, as a daughter, as a teacher. I want to get in even better shape than I am now. I want to be random and make good friends. I want to find out what really matters to me, what I'm actually good at, what is a blessing to God and others.
Love is sacrifice.
Love is forgiveness.
Love is a back rub after someone is mean.
Love is patience.
Love is missing someone, but letting them hang out with other people.
Love is hard.
Love came to earth, a humble baby, born in a stable.
Love hung on the cross, broken for me.
Love didn't call the angels to save Him.
Love walked out of the tomb.
Love is brave.
Love smells bad sometimes.
Love feels good sometimes.
Love spends money sometimes and loves returns things sometimes.
Love is forgiveness.
Love is a back rub after someone is mean.
Love is patience.
Love is missing someone, but letting them hang out with other people.
Love is hard.
Love came to earth, a humble baby, born in a stable.
Love hung on the cross, broken for me.
Love didn't call the angels to save Him.
Love walked out of the tomb.
Love is brave.
Love smells bad sometimes.
Love feels good sometimes.
Love spends money sometimes and loves returns things sometimes.
"Wanna Play Me?" - Napoleon.
Ha, Napoleon. How you make me laugh and miss home. I remember when Brad came home from West Point for Christmas the year it came out, and he kept saying, "GOSH!" and "Tina! You fat lard!" We weren't sure what was going on. Then we bought the movie and watched it, and my dad laughed through the WHOLE thing. Napoleon reminds us of a certain family member. Then Jeff bought Dad a Kip poster, and he hung it on Mom and Dad's bedroom door... like 3 years ago. And it's still there.
I miss my family.
It kind of sucks - a lot - not being home this Christmas. It's just not the same at all. We always have Christmas snacks out, and our tree up, and presents everywhere, and secrets.... and Mom and I shop together to just spend time together.
The Randall's don't. We went last-minute shopping yesterday, and I was so frustrated. Part of why I love Christmas comes from picking the perfect present, wrapping it, and waiting for that moment to come when that person opens it. I love looking through stores, finding things I want and finding things that that person would LOVE. Christmas shopping for me is a very personal thing. I don't like to do it with other people or when I'm thinking about other things.
That's not how they do it.
Today is my Dad's birthday. I'm not there. I tried to call him earlier, but couldn't get through. No reception, since I broke the antenna on my phone.
I checked my grades on-line... and I dominated. A 4.0 for the 4th semester in a row. Those two dang B's first semester. They're ruining me.
Christmastime is here. Happiness and Cheer. But it won't really feel like it until January 1st at about 2:30pm.
I miss my family.
It kind of sucks - a lot - not being home this Christmas. It's just not the same at all. We always have Christmas snacks out, and our tree up, and presents everywhere, and secrets.... and Mom and I shop together to just spend time together.
The Randall's don't. We went last-minute shopping yesterday, and I was so frustrated. Part of why I love Christmas comes from picking the perfect present, wrapping it, and waiting for that moment to come when that person opens it. I love looking through stores, finding things I want and finding things that that person would LOVE. Christmas shopping for me is a very personal thing. I don't like to do it with other people or when I'm thinking about other things.
That's not how they do it.
Today is my Dad's birthday. I'm not there. I tried to call him earlier, but couldn't get through. No reception, since I broke the antenna on my phone.
I checked my grades on-line... and I dominated. A 4.0 for the 4th semester in a row. Those two dang B's first semester. They're ruining me.
Christmastime is here. Happiness and Cheer. But it won't really feel like it until January 1st at about 2:30pm.
Earth Science.
Update on science test: I didn't even have to take it, since I have an A in the class. But I did anyway, just to see how well I would do. And I finished in 5 minutes.
DOMINATION is my middle name.
DOMINATION is my middle name.
I have an earth science final in 17 minutes. I studied for about 8 hours last night, and looked at it today until I realized that I was driving myself crazy. I have a bad feeling about it. I have a solid grade in the class, but since the final is worth 20%, there's a chance I could lose that awesome grade...particularly if I absolutely BOMB it.
I still have a huge desire to re-do prom. Maybe when I go home, friends will dress up and "prom" with me...as in, dress up and go out to eat, then have a dance party.
To Do At Home:
1. Become friends with Mia.
2. Sleepover with sisters.
3. Sledding - with Dad, with sisters, with Tony.
4. VHO!!
5. Work :(
I'm listening to Hellogoodbye to pump me up. It isn't working.
6. Christmas, take 2.
7. Get a month membership to ATT Sports Complex; workout.
8. Maybe go tanning... eh?
9. Mom/daughter day.
10. Be confident.
11. Celebrate my awesome grade in Science...I hope.
I still have a huge desire to re-do prom. Maybe when I go home, friends will dress up and "prom" with me...as in, dress up and go out to eat, then have a dance party.
To Do At Home:
1. Become friends with Mia.
2. Sleepover with sisters.
3. Sledding - with Dad, with sisters, with Tony.
4. VHO!!
5. Work :(
I'm listening to Hellogoodbye to pump me up. It isn't working.
6. Christmas, take 2.
7. Get a month membership to ATT Sports Complex; workout.
8. Maybe go tanning... eh?
9. Mom/daughter day.
10. Be confident.
11. Celebrate my awesome grade in Science...I hope.
Do You Know What I Know?
Alas. Two finals. And packing. And cleaning - hardcore cleaning. And some crocheting to do still.
Mmmm. I love this time of year.
Mmmm. I love this time of year.
Last Friday at Mission Center, Kathleen (age 7) and I had the following conversation while walking home, after seeing a dog with no tail on our way to Mission Center:
Kathleen: I'm sure glad I'm not a dog with my tail cut off!
Me: What if you were? What would you say?
Kathleen: I'd say "woof! woof! woof!" [laughs]
Me: [laughs] Really? I'd say "WOOF!!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!" I wouldn't want them to cut off my tail! I'd be scared! [laughs]
Kathleen: [laughs] Oh, me too!
Me: What if you were a little dog, like a chihuahua? What would you say?
Kathleen: "Yip! Yip! Yip!" [both laugh]
Conversation continues with other animals getting their tails cut off: cats ["MEOW!!! MEOW!!! MEOW!!!], birds ["SQWACK!!! SQWACK!!! SQWACK!!!'], lambs ["BAA!!! BAA!!! BAA!!!"], cows ["MOOO!!! MOO!!!! MOOOOO!!"], horses ["NEIGH!!! NEIGH!!! NEIGH!!!"], zebras ["MMMMM!!! MMMM!!! MMMMM!!!"], giraffes [neither of us were sure about that one, so we decided they would just move their necks around a lot], and worms [again, not sure. We discussed whether they had a tail, or whether their whole body was a tail].
Me: Kathleen, what would you do if you saw a cow with a dog for a head and a worm for a tail?
Kathleen: [laughs] I don't know!
Me: I think I would scream... like this! [yells; laughs]
Kathleen: [laughs] I think I would too!
Me: What would you call it? You can't call it a cow because it has a dog head. You can't cal it a dog because it's attached to a cow. And you can't call it a worm because it's connected to the cow body and dog head!
[Come up with various names: cog, worg, dow, etc.]
Kathleen: I know! I'd call it a CWORG!!! [both laugh and marvel at the brilliance of the name]
For the record, this is a cworg:
Kathleen: I'm sure glad I'm not a dog with my tail cut off!
Me: What if you were? What would you say?
Kathleen: I'd say "woof! woof! woof!" [laughs]
Me: [laughs] Really? I'd say "WOOF!!! WOOF!!! WOOF!!!" I wouldn't want them to cut off my tail! I'd be scared! [laughs]
Kathleen: [laughs] Oh, me too!
Me: What if you were a little dog, like a chihuahua? What would you say?
Kathleen: "Yip! Yip! Yip!" [both laugh]
Conversation continues with other animals getting their tails cut off: cats ["MEOW!!! MEOW!!! MEOW!!!], birds ["SQWACK!!! SQWACK!!! SQWACK!!!'], lambs ["BAA!!! BAA!!! BAA!!!"], cows ["MOOO!!! MOO!!!! MOOOOO!!"], horses ["NEIGH!!! NEIGH!!! NEIGH!!!"], zebras ["MMMMM!!! MMMM!!! MMMMM!!!"], giraffes [neither of us were sure about that one, so we decided they would just move their necks around a lot], and worms [again, not sure. We discussed whether they had a tail, or whether their whole body was a tail].
Me: Kathleen, what would you do if you saw a cow with a dog for a head and a worm for a tail?
Kathleen: [laughs] I don't know!
Me: I think I would scream... like this! [yells; laughs]
Kathleen: [laughs] I think I would too!
Me: What would you call it? You can't call it a cow because it has a dog head. You can't cal it a dog because it's attached to a cow. And you can't call it a worm because it's connected to the cow body and dog head!
[Come up with various names: cog, worg, dow, etc.]
Kathleen: I know! I'd call it a CWORG!!! [both laugh and marvel at the brilliance of the name]
For the record, this is a cworg:
Listening To Narnia Beckon.
SO many things to blog about, so little time: 5 tests this week, "Dead Week"...whatever. 2 down, 3 to go.
Last night was my last Co-Chair Monday night meeting for Mission Center. Praise God. It was such a good time of worship. So in-tents, especially with the thunder and lightning going off outside through it all. What an awesome display of God's glory. It lit up the sky, just like that little baby in the manger lit up the world so many years ago.
Kristina called me right after the meeting started, so I left and talked to her for 10 minutes or so. It was so good. I miss her. We have sister plans, which include a sleepover and Sisterhood of Pants movies, and potentially making our own version of the movie.
I'm SO mad at Canada right now.
Christmas shopping is fun. I love buying presents that I know people will really like. Then they open it and are like, "Wow! I love it!" That makes me happy.
I wore my personality T-shirt today:



Yeah, I dominate. Ha. But not really. I'm such a dork.
Last night was my last Co-Chair Monday night meeting for Mission Center. Praise God. It was such a good time of worship. So in-tents, especially with the thunder and lightning going off outside through it all. What an awesome display of God's glory. It lit up the sky, just like that little baby in the manger lit up the world so many years ago.
Kristina called me right after the meeting started, so I left and talked to her for 10 minutes or so. It was so good. I miss her. We have sister plans, which include a sleepover and Sisterhood of Pants movies, and potentially making our own version of the movie.
I'm SO mad at Canada right now.
Christmas shopping is fun. I love buying presents that I know people will really like. Then they open it and are like, "Wow! I love it!" That makes me happy.
I wore my personality T-shirt today:



Yeah, I dominate. Ha. But not really. I'm such a dork.
Secondhand Serenade, how your words speak truth. Not Truth, but truth.
There's a Twist in my Story and I can't wait to see how it ends.
There's a Twist in my Story and I can't wait to see how it ends.
Well, in T-minus two weeks, I will no longer be the co-chair for Mission Center. And while that is sad, I am ready to pass the torch to the wonderful Sarah. She'll do an awesome job.
My CML Buddy, Emily, and I were talking after the CML party tonight. We had just gotten books by A.W. Tozer called "The Pursuit of God" and were talking about how excited we are to read them. And we were planning our lunch date for tomorrow. And I mentioned that it should be a weekly tradition, and how it would be cool to read the book together and discuss it. Then it turned into learning how to knit and crochet. And then it turned into inviting more people. And it turned into a legitimate start of a new ministry/Bible Study for girls that we're going to begin next semester. It's called "PGWKN", short for Pursuing God With Knitting Needles.
How cool is it going to be to just hang out with a group of close girls, talking about God and books and what we're learning, all while knitting and crocheting? Over the summer, when I read "The Friday Night Knitting Club", I kept thinking how much fun it would be to start one here at OBU, and apparently now we're going to.
We talked to Dale, and he was really excited about it, too. We're going to talk to his wife about speaking for and with us sometime.
Tomorrow is going to be a hang out/planning time for me and Emily. :) Yay for friends who become friends because of the CML cliques.
My CML Buddy, Emily, and I were talking after the CML party tonight. We had just gotten books by A.W. Tozer called "The Pursuit of God" and were talking about how excited we are to read them. And we were planning our lunch date for tomorrow. And I mentioned that it should be a weekly tradition, and how it would be cool to read the book together and discuss it. Then it turned into learning how to knit and crochet. And then it turned into inviting more people. And it turned into a legitimate start of a new ministry/Bible Study for girls that we're going to begin next semester. It's called "PGWKN", short for Pursuing God With Knitting Needles.
How cool is it going to be to just hang out with a group of close girls, talking about God and books and what we're learning, all while knitting and crocheting? Over the summer, when I read "The Friday Night Knitting Club", I kept thinking how much fun it would be to start one here at OBU, and apparently now we're going to.
We talked to Dale, and he was really excited about it, too. We're going to talk to his wife about speaking for and with us sometime.
Tomorrow is going to be a hang out/planning time for me and Emily. :) Yay for friends who become friends because of the CML cliques.
Fearless. Taylor Swift.
And I don't know how it gets better than this
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress
God's teaching me so so much. How to get out of the valley. How to pray. How to dance and be happy and laugh with Him, unafraid of how I look, aware only of how it feels to be with Him. He's teaching me to love, to make it less about me and more about serving Him, then serving others.
I'm learning the effects that my words have on those I love. I'm learning how to have healthy relationships. I'm learning how to make friends again. And I'm learning that even when things are busy, it's okay to hide out at the mall and try on dresses for fun. You gotta live once in a while, don't you?
Shaun, Ashley and I took pictures with Santa at the mall. We dressed up in coordinating outfits - all black, white, and red. And we told Santa what we wanted for Christmas. (I said Edward Cullen) All in all, fun. I got a copy of the picture to send to Mom and Dad. :) I hope they like it.
You take my hand and drag me head first
And I don't know why but with you I'd dance
In a storm in my best dress
God's teaching me so so much. How to get out of the valley. How to pray. How to dance and be happy and laugh with Him, unafraid of how I look, aware only of how it feels to be with Him. He's teaching me to love, to make it less about me and more about serving Him, then serving others.
I'm learning the effects that my words have on those I love. I'm learning how to have healthy relationships. I'm learning how to make friends again. And I'm learning that even when things are busy, it's okay to hide out at the mall and try on dresses for fun. You gotta live once in a while, don't you?
Shaun, Ashley and I took pictures with Santa at the mall. We dressed up in coordinating outfits - all black, white, and red. And we told Santa what we wanted for Christmas. (I said Edward Cullen) All in all, fun. I got a copy of the picture to send to Mom and Dad. :) I hope they like it.
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